Botnets, initial access brokers pose significant risk to enterprises

In multi-stage attacks, C2 communications are paramount to move the attack onward, whether through sending and receiving commands from the attackers or downloading the next-stage malware. Akamai’s DNS solutions enable us to analyze this malicious C2 traffic passing through the attack superhighway that is DNS. And as such, it sheds light on the most significant threats against enterprises and home users today, including:
- Initial access brokers, whose focus is breaching systems and selling this access, pose a significant risk to enterprises because of their ties to large ransomware groups.
- Information stealing botnets target network-attached storage devices, which contain troves of sensitive information and serve as backups for businesses.
- Botnets target home users’ devices such as Android phones, IoT devices, and systems to become part of their network of zombie devices.