Cloud Computing for Gaming

Maximize gaming experiences. Minimize cloud costs.

Image of smiling woman wearing headphones and interacting with her phone on a busy city street.

Boost performance and minimize latency

Delight gamers with a fast, immersive, personalized experience. Empower developers with an open, user-friendly cloud. Achieve budget goals with low egress fees and transparent pricing.

Closer to gamers, increased performance

Building and deploying workloads closer to your players boosts performance and minimizes latency.

Proven, reliable infrastructure

19 of the top 20 video game companies are Akamai customers.

Simple, transparent pricing without surprises

Simple cloud computing pricing models and low egress costs mean fewer surprise bills.


New study: Why gaming IT leaders want a distributed cloud

This spotlight — based on a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Akamai — highlights data on why gaming IT leaders are adopting a distributed cloud architecture.

The Great Cloud Reset Gaming Industry Spotlight

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