Bot & Abuse Protection

Stop account abuse, evasive web scraping, and brand impersonation with the smartest detection and mitigation

Bot & Abuse Protection

Stop account abuse, evasive web scraping, and brand impersonation with the smartest detection and mitigation

Be ready for the most sophisticated bot and abuse attacks

Protect your organization against today’s most advanced bot and abuse attacks. Our bot and abuse protection solutions safeguard customer trust, digital assets, and your brand’s reputation.

Spot suspicious human and bot behavior — in real time

Protect accounts & transactions while maintaining a seamless customer experience.

Maximize growth while defending against account abuse, evasive content scraping, and brand impersonation.

Monitor online interactions and prevent abuse across the user account journey with real-time mitigation options at the edge.

Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platforms 2023

What are the best anti-fraud solutions for keeping your brand safe?

Akamai is proud to be named an Overall Leader and a Market Leader among the global fraud-fighting solutions ranked by KuppingerCole Analysts AG.

Bot & Abuse Protection Products

Protect user accounts across the lifecycle, defending revenue and customer trust from online abuse.

Detect and mitigate brand impersonation attacks including phishing and fake websites.

Discover how to stop scrapers from stealing your content and lowering your conversion rates.

Advanced bot management designed to detect and mitigate sophisticated bad bots but allow good bots.


Learn how to keep user accounts free from bot and human abuse across the entire lifecycle.

Learn how to detect and mitigate  targeted attacks on your brand - including phishing scams, impersonations, and more.

Learn how to stop web scrapers from stealing your content and lowering your conversion rates.