What’s New for Developers: May 2023

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

May 24, 2023

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.

This month, we’re excited to share information about the new EdgeKV reports, Terraform Provider 3.6.0, and the Postman Edge Diagnostics API collection with you.

This month, we’re excited to share information about the new EdgeKV reports, Terraform Provider 3.6.0, and the Postman Edge Diagnostics API collection with you.

What we’re highlighting in this issue

Developer releases: tools and resources

EdgeKV reports and new EdgeWorkers JavaScript API modules

EdgeKV reports are now available in the EdgeWorkers Management application. This dashboard will help you understand your usage of Akamai EdgeKV, troubleshoot errors, and ensure you stay within system limits.

We’ve also added four new modules to the Akamai EdgeWorkers JavaScript API. 

For external modules, the HLS parser module is available to parse and modify HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist files. It supports manifest and playlist manipulation, live program replacement, and content insertion. The DASH parser module is available to parse and modify Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) Media Presentation Description (MPD) files. It supports manifest and playlist manipulation and content insertion. The JWT module lets you verify JWT tokens using digital signatures.

The new built-in html-rewriter module is available to consume and rewrite HTML documents. It supports use cases such as website personalization, ad insertion, search and replace, and JavaScript templating. Click the in-text hyperlinks to learn more about each module.

Terraform Provider 3.6.0 and Terraform CLI 1.5.0

We recently released Akamai Terraform Provider 3.6.0 and Terraform CLI 1.5. We improved management of EdgeKV items (insert, update, delete) through akamai_edgekv_group_items resource and additional data sources in the Terraform Provider, plus added bug fixes.

The Terraform CLI release included additional import support for bot management resources and export of export-edgekv uses akamai_edgekv_group_items resource instead of the deprecated initial_data within the akamai_edgekv resource.

➡️ Read about Terraform Provider 3.6.0: https://github.com/akamai/terraform-provider-akamai/releases/tag/v3.6.0

➡️ Read about Terraform CLI 1.5.0: https://github.com/akamai/cli-terraform/releases/tag/v1.5.0

Postman edge diagnostics API collection

Postman is a graphical user interface that makes it easier to build and use APIs. The new Akamai Edge Diagnostics API collection for Postman can be used to list available edge server locations.

➡️ Read the documentation: https://techdocs.akamai.com/edge-diagnostics/reference/get-edge-locations

Five server-side programming languages every programmer should know

Martin Heller published a guide for aspiring web server programmers that covers the uses and characteristics of web server code, along with key aspects of five programming languages often used for server-side web development.

➡️ Read the documentation: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/server-side-programming-languages/

Terraforming Kubernetes live training series

Justin Mitchel, founder of Coding for Entrepreneurs, is leading a free live training series, "Terraforming Kubernetes: From Code to Deployed Serverless."  The first two sessions are available on demand via the link below. Register for the live May 24 and June 14 events to chat with other attendees and get answers straight from Justin.

➡️ Register here

Latest articles and videos

Break down your code: An introduction to serverless functions and FaaS

Justin Cobbett explains how functions enable serverless computing by adding wrappers to repetitive code changes and abstraction from other application infrastructure.

➡️ Read more: https://www.linode.com/blog/devops/break-down-your-code-introduction-to-functions/

When latency matters: Latest tests on low-latency video streaming on the Akamai Connected Cloud

Developer Champion Luca Moglia shares his experience with latency in video streaming. Read about his latest tests on the Akamai Connected Cloud.

➡️ Learn more: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/when-latency-matters-my-latest-tests-low-latency-video-luca-moglia/

Secure file uploads today with OWASP

In his most recent video in his “File uploads” series, Austin Gil looks at the significant performance improvement that he got from adding a CDN to an application and the steps he took to configure Akamai CDN with object storage.

GitHub actions CI/CD tutorial series

Habibi Coding shared a step-by-step tutorial blog post series for enhancing your DevOps skills and streamlining your workflow via GitHub actions CI/CD. In the first part of the series, you’ll learn how to get started by creating ed25519 SSH keys and removing the existing RSA keys.

➡️ Read the blog: https://medium.com/geekculture/github-actions-ci-cd-tutorial-series-part-1-b9472982b06b

Build your own AI chatbot with OpenAI API and Linode

In his recent video, @CodeWithHarry shows you how to create a chat app from scratch using the OpenAI API. Subscribe to hear about new tutorials first.

➡️ Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/@linode/videos

And that’s a wrap!

Do you have an article, a tool, code, or something else that you’ve created that you would like to share? Contact us at devrel@akamai.com, so we can present it to our developer community!

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

May 24, 2023

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.