What’s New for Developers: March 2022

We have some excellent highlights this month. We’re excited to announce new videos, useful articles, an event recap, and much more.
What we’re highlighting in this issue
Developer releases: tools and resources
Latest articles and videos
Learn how to use cookies at the edge
Get to know the founder of the Developer Champions Program
Find out why you shouldn’t tie IP addresses to tokens
Explore the new Akamai Plausible docs
Audit styles with the Style Check tool
Read why we implemented IntelliJ plug-in support for the latest IntelliJ IDEA IDE version
Discover how to use jq snippets with HTTPie to make Akamai API calls
Listen to a German-language Webcast: Defending Against Attacks by Hackers
Developer releases: tools and resources
Terraform provider support for EdgeWorkers, EdgeKV, and Cloudlets
We’re excited to announce that EdgeWorkers, EdgeKV, and Cloudlets are now supported in the Akamai Terraform Provider, with the release of v.1.11.
➡️ Read the full release notes: https://github.com/akamai/terraform-provider-akamai/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
➡️ View the changelog for Cloudlet support information: https://techdocs.akamai.com/cloudlets/changelog/feb-23-2022-akamai-terraform-provider-support-for-cloudlets
DataStream 2 release — Migration API and DataStream 2 SDK
The most recent DataStream 2 release supports developers migrating from DataStream 1 to DataStream 2 via the API and the DataStream 2 SDK. A migration option via UI will be available later. The DS2 SDK provides developers with aggregated metrics; similar to DS1, it allows for custom aggregations, and it shows examples of how to use DS2 data.
➡️ Read the Migration API release notes: https://techdocs.akamai.com/datastream2/changelog/feb-10-2022
Latest articles and videos
New Developer’s Edge videos
Season 2 of the Developer’s Edge started off strong, with Chuck Freedman, Director of Developer Advocacy, interviewing Bonnie Howden, Senior Director of Product & Technical Learning. Bonnie shared how she converts passion to vision, builds teams, and supports customers.
Watch the first video of season 2 by clicking on the GIF below.
➡️ Don’t miss out on the other videos in the series! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKgEQGaM-FU&list=PLDlttLRccCk6U1EGarS1t0f4X--NKc7xc
The latest from Web Dev office hours
Senior Developer Advocate Austin Gil continues to stream daily about building apps. In addition to working on a weather app, he has created a Wordle clone. Watch a snippet of his workshop on web cookies below.
➡️ Watch the full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxFLR51wNL4&list=PLDlttLRccCk6aYAy9mIaNwCo6Rgahxb8B
Meet Mike Elissen: founder of our Akamai Developer Champions Program
Mike Elissen, Developer Advocate and the founder of the Developer Champions Program, is featured in a new blog where he discusses his passion for improving developer tooling and resources.
➡️ Read the blog: https://www.akamai.com/blog/developers/meet-mike-elissen-founder-of-our-akamai-developer-champions-program
Why you shouldn’t tie IP addresses to tokens
Akamai strongly recommends against tying tokens to specific IP addresses. While long-discouraged in our product documentation, this practice has been causing recent problems as more users adopt Apple’s iCloud Private Relay service. Senior Product Manager Alex Balford and Fellow and Chief Architect Erik Nygren explain why in their blog.
➡️ Read their post: https://www.akamai.com/blog/developers/why-you-shouldn-t-tie-ip-addresses-to-tokens
Akamai Plausible docs
Developer Champion Tim Vereecke added Akamai-specific docs to the Plausible Analytics site, “an open-source project dedicated to making web analytics more privacy-friendly.” The project’s focus is to provide a web analytics solution not tied to AdTech.
➡️ Read Tim’s guides: https://plausible.io/docs/proxy/guides/akamai
Using Style Check to audit styles
Austin Gil has created a tool, Style Check, that helps developers audit the effect of different CSS sources on plain HTML elements to make sure everything was accounted for.
➡️ Test the tool: https://style-check.austingil.com
IntelliJ plug-in support for latest IntelliJ IDEA IDE version
The latest IntelliJ IDEA IDE version (v213) now supports v212 and beyond thanks to Akamai Software Engineer Ahsan Kamal’s new plug-in.
➡️ Find the pull request on GitHub: https://github.com/akamai/edgeworkers-intellij/pull/19
Using jq snippets with HTTPie to make Akamai API calls
Akamai Enterprise Architect Rita Al Zreibi wrote an article on jq snippets with HTTPie. Jq is a free, open source, command-line JSON processor, which, when used in conjunction with HTTPie to make API calls, can allow for quick configuration and set information access.
➡️ Read Rita’s article: https://ritaazz.de/jq-snippets-with-httpie-and-akamai-api-calls
German-language webcast: defending against attacks by hackers
Developer Champion Mattia Rambelli and Major Account Executive Samy Makki are going to be speaking on a German-language Heise Business Services webcast. The topic (translated from German) is “Defending against attacks by hackers: Quick protection against vulnerabilities (like Log4j) with Terraform and WAF (including live demo).” Register to join the event, which takes place April 7, 2022, at 11 AM CET.
And that’s a wrap!
We’d love to hear from you. Have you created or come across any code that you would like to share? What articles have been helping you as a developer?
Share your contributions and finds at devrel@akamai.com.