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What’s New for Developers: June 2022

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

June 24, 2022

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.

Read about our recent Terraform updates and managed database services, our latest Meet the Developer articles, and stream videos on edge computing.

We hope you enjoy these new articles and find our latest updates helpful! 

What we’re highlighting in this issue

Developer releases: tools and resources

Terraform updates

We updated the Akamai Terraform Provider and Akamai Terraform CLI to support new data sources for Image & Video Manager, import image and video policies with the new create-imaging command, and support darwin_arm64 architecture.

➡️ Read the Terraform Provider release notes:


➡️ Read the Terraform CLI release notes:


Extending your capabilities when SQL is not enough

This month, Linode added PostgreSQL and MongoDB to their managed database services. Two new articles from Linode’s Hillary Wilmoth and Justin Cobbett discuss why and when SQL isn’t enough — and why this latest update can extend your capabilities. 

➡️ Read: When SQL Isn’t Enough https://www.linode.com/blog/databases/when-sql-isnt-enough-nosql/

➡️  Read: Managed PostgreSQL and MongoDB Are Here https://www.linode.com/blog/databases/mongodb-postgresql-linode-managed-databases/

Latest articles and videos

Why edge compute is like knitting dog hats

Senior Developer Advocate Austin Gil came up with a unique analogy for how edge computing works. Curious about the growing value of edge computing? Check out Austin’s thorough (and entertaining) article. 

➡️ Read more: https://austingil.com/edge-compute-knitted-dog-hats/

Meet Developer Champions Mike and Josh

We recently highlighted two of our Developer Champions, Mike Schiessl and Josh Johnson, on the Akamai blog. We got Mike’s take on the security services industry, found out how he stays up to date on security, and learned how he got into tech. And we talked to Josh about his passion for coding and best practices for code review.

To learn more about both of them, read the Akamai blogs.

➡️ Read the blog post about Mike Schiessl

➡️ Read the blog post about Josh Johnson

Fresh Web Dev Office Hours

Have you been attending Austin’s office hours? If you’ve missed them live, you can still get all his insight on demand. He’s recently discussed using environmental variables in Docker and GitHub Actions, using the Web Audio API to play sound effects, and adding linting to a JavaScript project.

➡️ Visit YouTube for more Akamai Developer videos: Akamai Developer YouTube

And that’s a wrap!

Do you have an article, a tool, or code to share? Contact us at devrel@akamai.com.

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

June 24, 2022

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.