Akamai Blog | What’s New for Developers: February 2022

A lot has happened since we published our January recap blog. Akamai launched a new documentation site on readme.io, we started a new season of Terraform Tapas, and we saw many amazing contributions from our Developer Champions.
What we’re highlighting in this issue
Developer releases: tools and resources
Details on the launch of the new documentation site
Announcing the Developer Champion Program
Latest articles and videos
Get started with the Akamai Terraform Provider
Start watching season 2 of our Terraform Tapas video series
Watch the best snippets from our new Web Dev Office Hours with Austin Gil
Listen to the Developer’s Edge Podcast
Read how the unified log streamer (ULS) can help simplify SIEM integrations for Akamai’s Remote Work Security solutions
Read about 5 potential gaps when it comes to edge computing strategy
Listen to a recording of a JSWORLD talk on the benefits of CSS-in-JS and Atomic CSS
Read what mPulse revealed about Internet Explorer usage in 2021 and the implications
Developer releases: tools and resources
New documentation site launch
Akamai officially launched a new documentation site! The new technical documentation, TechDocs, provides modern, interactive, and intuitive features specifically designed for developers.

➡️ Learn more: https://www.akamai.com/blog/developers/welcome-to-akamai-techdocs
Developer champion program badges
The Akamai Developer Champions are doing a tremendous job at ensuring that you have all the tools that you need to succeed when working with Akamai. To share their contributions with you, we launched a brand-new Developer Champion Program page and badge program.

The program page allows you to get to know the Champions better by highlighting their areas of expertise and recent contributions. We’ve also created a list for anyone who’d like to connect on Twitter.
➡️ View the page: https://www.akamai.com/developer/developer-champion-program
➡️ Connect with Developer Champions on Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1491115025871912960
Latest articles and videos
Get started with the Akamai Terraform Provider
In this blog, Developer Advocate Mike Elissen guides you through creating your very first Akamai configuration with the Akamai Terraform Provider.
➡️ Read and share the article: https://blog.securitylevelup.eu/getting-started-with-the-akamai-terraform-provider
Terraform Tapas: season 2
Terraform Tapas is back! In the first video of season 2, Mike Elissen explains the Terraform Destroy option, a quick way to destroy remote objects in a Terraform configuration.
➡️ View the full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyiKSqsTg9E&list=PLDlttLRccCk7a-JNb-xFH6dz4WqG53JQa
Austin Gil’s web dev office hours
Developer Advocate Austin Gil has been busy streaming every day at 3 PM ET on Twitch. He walks through new concepts each day. If you have been hooked on the popular word game Wordle, like so many of us, you can watch last week’s recap on creating an accessible Wordle clone.
➡️ View the full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxFLR51wNL4&list=PLDlttLRccCk6aYAy9mIaNwCo6Rgahxb8B
➡️ Follow Austin and join the live streams on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/heyaustingil
Extended episodes of the Developer’s Edge — now via podcast
If you prefer podcasts to videos, you can now listen to extended episodes of our popular video interview series, the Developer’s Edge. We’re on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Choose your favorite platform below.
➡️ Listen to the podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6vPFqkzyeG7gVFwNbIE1Ru
➡️ Listen to it on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-developers-edge/id1608078354
➡️ Listen to the series on Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy83ZWVlNTQwYy9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw
New version of Akamai’s unified log streamer tool
Developer Champion Mike Schiessl recently released a new version of his Akamai unified log streamer (ULS) tool, designed to simplify SIEM integrations for Akamai’s Remote Work Security solutions.
➡️ Visit the ULS GitHub page to learn more: https://github.com/akamai/uls
Josh Johnson weighs in on gaps in edge computing strategies
Developer Champion Josh Johnson’s expertise was highlighted in an article about gaps in edge computing strategy from The Enterprisers Project, a site dedicated to addressing CIOs’ and IT leaders’ challenges.
“One of the biggest gaps in an edge strategy is a failure to involve all the necessary stakeholders. Migrating workloads to the edge is not a ‘lift-and-shift’ exercise, but a project that involves changes across a number of teams”. — Josh Johnson
➡️ Read the full article: https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/2/edge-computing-strategy-5-potential-gaps-watch
Austin Gil at JSWORLD
Austin Gil gave a talk at the JSWORLD Conference on how he is improving developer and user experience by combining the benefits of CSS-in-JS and atomic CSS.
You can watch the recording below.
Using mPulse to analyze Internet Explorer usage in 2021
Internet Explorer (IE) will be officially retired in June this year. Paul Calvano took a look at data from Akamai mPulse and found that there’s been a steady decline in IE usage since the announcement last year. In his latest blog, he discusses the potential implications of this for the web.
➡️ Read his post: https://paulcalvano.com/2022-01-31-internet-explorer-decline-in-2021/
And that’s a wrap!
That’s it for February’s recap. Have you created any code you’d like to share? Or have you come across a helpful resource from another developer that you don’t want others to miss?
Contact us at devrel@akamai.com.