What’s New for Developers: August 2022

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

August 25, 2022

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.

This month we’re highlighting Terraform updates and news from Linode, and our team also put together some new videos that we hope you love.

This August’s developer update brings you some of the things we’ve been most excited to tell you about. We’re highlighting Terraform updates and news from Linode, and our team also put together some new videos that we hope you love.

What we’re highlighting in this issue:

Developer releases: tools and resources

Terraform CLI v1.0.0

We just updated the Terraform CLI, a fantastic tool for multi-vendor infrastructure management. In the new release, you’ll get improved formatting of output configs and added DNS support. Take a look at the release notes for more details.

➡️ Learn more: https://github.com/akamai/cli-terraform/releases/tag/v1.0.0

Linode news

Linode has been busy improving database management and creating new guides to help developers get started.  

Technical blogs on Django and SQL

In the first blog of the two-part series that supports the “Understanding Databases” e-book, Justin Mitchel explains how to facilitate the use of modern applications with SQL and Python.

➡️ Read “How Django Does the Heavy Lifting for SQL”:


➡️ Read “Django and SQL: Your Dynamic Duo for Scaling Databases”:


New Linode series

In this new eight-part video series, Justin Mitchel of Coding for Entrepreneurs explores how to best deploy Django into production on Linode.

➡️ Click for more information: https://www.linode.com/content/deploy-django-to-linode-using-managed-databases-for-mysql/

➡️ Watch all new Linode videos: https://www.youtube.com/linode

Recent guides

New Linode guides are now available to walk you through getting started with Linode. Find out how to use Ansible Collection plugins and retrieve and remove items based on priority.

➡️ Read “Using the Linode Ansible Collection to Deploy a Linode”:


➡️ Read “The Priority Queue in Python 3”: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/python-priority-queue

Latest articles and videos

Developer’s Edge season 3 is here!

We’ve been releasing new videos to highlight the amazing folks we work with. In season 3 of the Developer’s Edge series, Chuck Freedman, Director of Developer Advocacy, chats with developers from different companies each week.

In our latest episode, Amara Graham, Head of Developer Experience at Camunda, chats with Chuck about her enthusiasm for all aspects of developer relations.


Fundamentals of API security

Senior Developer Advocate Mike Elissen has been collaborating with Linode to talk you through the fundamentals of API security. In five episodes, Mike helps you understand how APIs can be targeted and how you can protect them. Learn more about API security in the format that works best for you: Check out his blog or video (or both!) below. 


New Web Dev Office Hours

In Senior Developer Advocate Austin Gil’s most recent episode, he reviews atomic CSS, challenges that arise when working with complex rules, and how the Tailwind team solves issues using CSS variables. 


Exporting Akamai application security configurations with the Akamai Terraform CLI

In a recent video, Mike Elissen explains how to use the Akamai Terraform CLI to quickly export your configurations with create-appsec. 


➡️ Visit YouTube for more Akamai Developer videos: Akamai Developer YouTube

Property Manager features explained

Developer Champion Tim Vereecke has been sharing tips on using the Property Manager UI. 

➡️ View and follow Tim’s posts on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timvereecke/recent-activity/shares/

And that’s a wrap!

Do you have an article, a tool, code, or something else that you’ve created that you would like to share? Contact us at devrel@akamai.com, so we can share it with our developer community!

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

August 25, 2022

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.