What’s New for Developers: 2022 Recap

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

January 18, 2023

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.

We shared a lot of developer news in 2022. This post is your opportunity to catch up on some of the highlights of the year.

We shared a lot of developer news in 2022. This post is your opportunity to catch up on some of the highlights of the year.

What we’re highlighting in this issue

Developer releases: tools and resources

Terraform CLI updates

We updated the Terraform CLI, a fantastic tool for multivendor infrastructure management, several times in 2022. V0.9.0 made it easier to export your existing Akamai application security configurations to Terraform. Because of the update, you can now export all your delivery, application security, and DNS configurations using a simple command, which saves you the trouble of a manual export.

Check out this video to see Mike Elissen explain how to use the Akamai Terraform CLI to quickly export your configurations with create-appsec.

With the release of Terraform CLI v1.0.0, you got improved formatting of output configs and added DNS support. Some of the changes released with v1.1.1 to 1.3.0 include:

  • For CPS: A new export-cps command to export DV enrollment or third-party enrollment with accompanying resources and data sources

  • For PAPI: A new subcommand to export Property Manager Include with accompanying resources and data sources and new flag to export resources and data sources for the Property Manager Includes that are referenced by the Property that is being exported

Take a look at the release notes for more details.

➡️ Learn more: https://github.com/akamai/cli-terraform/releases

Latest articles and videos

Ludum Dare 51

This year, Akamai was proud to be a sponsor of the most recent Ludum Dare game jam. We helped speed up and improve user experience by leveraging Linode, Akamai Cloud Computing.

In a special episode of Developer's Edge, Mike Kasprzak, owner of ldjam.com and co-founder of Ludum Dare, shares some insight about the magic of Ludum Dare and running with it.

In the Build, Deliver & Secure series, Mike Elissen talks about the world's longest running game jam competition and explains how to build the Ludum Dare infrastructure yourself.

View our reference architecture to see how we helped run Ludum Dare, or watch the Build, Deliver & Secure video series to learn more.

➡️ View the reference architecture:


➡️ Watch the series:


New documentation site launch

In early 2022, we officially launched a new documentation site. The new technical documentation, Akamai TechDocs, provides modern, interactive, and intuitive features specifically designed for developers.

We also introduced new materials to help you more easily onboard your sites onto Akamai’s network.

Behind the home page are three new guides on:

  • Delivering your first site with Akamai — This tutorial walks you through the process of deploying a simple, secure site on Akamai’s network. Where possible, we provide estimates of the time each step will take. 

  • Getting to know Akamai — This doc provides background information about how Akamai’s CDN works. It describes concepts such as caching, secure communications, and content flow.

  • Building on the cloud — This short piece provides a high-level overview of Akamai cloud computing on Linode. It takes you through the process of creating a simple microsite using Linode origin servers and an Akamai delivery product.

➡️ Learn more about TechDocs: https://www.akamai.com/blog/developers/welcome-to-akamai-techdocs

➡️ Learn how to deliver your first site: https://techdocs.akamai.com/onboard/docs/get-started

➡️ Find out more about Akamai: https://techdocs.akamai.com/platform-basics/docs/welcome

➡️ Read how to create a simple microsite: https://techdocs.akamai.com/get-started-cloud-computing/docs

Community highlights

Voxel art contest

We kicked off August 2022 with a voxel art contest to celebrate our love of gaming. We wanted to make it easy for you to bring some of your childhood memories of gaming back to life, so we commissioned Zach Soares, a voxel art teacher and designer, to create a set of game-themed templates and building blocks. As part of the Inspiring Game Scenes Contest, participants could use a template to create their own voxel art. We saw some amazing entries, and the winners can be found on our GitHub repo.

We also talked to Zach in an episode of our Developer’s Edge video series, where he enlightened us on the pros of voxel art and how he works with developers.

➡️ View the contest winners: https://github.com/Akamai-Community/inspiring-game-scenes#grand-prize-winners

Akamai developer site

The Akamai Developer Champions are doing a tremendous job at ensuring that you have all the tools you need to succeed when working with Akamai. To share their contributions with you, we launched a brand-new Developer Champion Program page and Credly badges in early 2022. The program page allows you to get to know the Champions better by highlighting their areas of expertise and recent contributions.

Credly badges are assigned on the basis of contributions to and tenure in the Champion Program and can be shared on social media, so that Champions can publicly celebrate their achievements.

Akamai Developer Champion Program

October 2022 marked the end of the migration from developer.akamai.com to a new site that now serves as the destination for developer resources, such as documentation, videos, events, blogs, and more. We have migrated documentation and tutorials to the TechDocs site and the Akamai blog to preserve important content.

➡️ Explore the new site now: https://www.akamai.com/developer

➡️ Learn more about the Champions: https://www.akamai.com/developer/developer-champion-program

And that’s a wrap!

Do you have an article, a tool, code, or something else that you’ve created that you would like to share? Contact us at devrel@akamai.com, so we can present it to our developer community!

Jessica Capuano Mora

Written by

Jessica Capuano Mora

January 18, 2023

Jessica Capuano Mora is the Developer Community Manager for Akamai. She has been supporting various communities since 2012.