What’s New for Developers: July 2022

This month’s developer update is jam-packed with exciting news, helpful articles, and useful code, including a new Terraform Provider release, a Terraform CLI update, and highlights from the amazing Linode Hackathon submissions.
What we’re highlighting in this issue:
Developer releases: tools and resources
Find out what’s new in Terraform Provider v2.2.0
Read up on the Terraform CLI update v0.9.0
Latest articles and videos
Get code examples
Discover DevOps practices that can improve application performance
Read about how to succeed when coding for the edge
Learn about managing CDN as code with GitHub Actions and Terraform
Watch the latest Web Dev Office Hours video
Community highlights
Take a look at the submissions to the Linode Hackathon on Hashnode
Learn more about a cURL wrapper for the Akamai staging network
See a community solution to implement function renaming for Go v1.18
Developer releases: tools and resources
Terraform Provider v2.2.0
A new version of the Terraform Provider (v2.2.0) was recently released. We added Access Manager extensions that allow you to better manage blocked properties, groups, and roles, and added new grantable roles and time zones to the available data sources. In addition, we added penalty box support for security policies and fixed some bugs based on your feedback. Learn more about the update on GitHub or in the Akamai Terraform Provider docs.
➡️ Get it on GitHub: https://github.com/akamai/terraform-provider-akamai/releases/tag/v2.2.0
➡️ Read the documentation: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/akamai/akamai/latest/docs
Terraform CLI Update
A new version of the Akamai Terraform CLI (v0.9.0) was released. This new version makes it easier to export your existing Akamai application security configurations to Terraform. Now you can export all your delivery, application security, and DNS configurations using a simple command, saving you the trouble of a manual export.
➡️ Get it on GitHub: https://github.com/akamai/cli-terraform/releases/tag/v0.9.0
Latest articles and videos
Code examples
Josh Johnson, one of our Developer Champions and an edge compute expert, created code examples to show you how to use the new EdgeWorkers features. The first example shows you how to get EdgeWorkers to read text from an incoming request body using the responseProvider command. Josh’s second example shows you how to use EdgeWorkers to chain multiple subrequests into a single response. Check out these examples on GitHub to learn how to use these new features firsthand.
➡️ View read-request-body: https://github.com/akamai/edgeworkers-examples/tree/master/edgecompute/examples/getting-started/read-request-body
➡️ View stream-concat: https://github.com/akamai/edgeworkers-examples/tree/master/edgecompute/examples/stream/stream-concat
7 DevOps practices that can improve application performance
In a recent article on “InfoWorld,” an online journal dedicated to educating developers and business leaders on emerging technologies, Mike Elissen, a security expert from Akamai, shares thoughts on shifting security left. He discusses how adding security to sites and apps earlier in the development process can create a stronger DevSecOps culture, and increase developer awareness of app security. Check out the article below to learn how DevOps experts are improving application performance.
➡️ Read more: https://www.infoworld.com/article/3664337/7-devops-practices-to-improve-application-performance.html
Learn how to succeed when coding for the edge
Drawing from his experience as an enterprise architect working with development organizations, Josh Johnson shares lessons for creating edge applications on “Datanami,” an online news portal that shares comprehensive insights on trends and solutions in big data.
➡️ Learn more: https://www.datanami.com/2022/06/27/coding-for-the-edge-six-lessons-for-success/
Managing CDNs as code with GitHub Actions and Terraform
CDNs are the front gate for the majority of high-performing websites, doing the heavy lifting to ensure good online experiences for end users. This article from Deepak Jha, Developer Champion, walks you through how to manage CDNs as code by using GitHub Actions and Terraform.
➡️ Read the article: https://deepakjd2004.medium.com/manage-cdn-akamai-as-a-code-using-github-actions-and-terraform-35feb4d2b80f
Fresh Web Dev Office Hours
Austin Gil from the Developer Advocacy team continues to share new tips related to web development every week. In our recap video, he highlights the benefits of generating SSH keys. Check it out below.
➡️ Visit YouTube for more Akamai Developer videos: Akamai Developer YouTube
Community Highlights
#LinodeHackathon on Hashnode
Linode invited developers to share their coolest online creations on Hashnode. The submissions included a tool for easily editing screen recordings, a tool for organizing links into syncable collections, and an easy way to find job listings, courses, and hackathons from trustworthy sources. Browse the submissions yourself to find awesome tools you didn’t even know you needed.
➡️ View the submissions: https://hashnode.com/n/linodehackathon
cURL wrapper for Akamai staging network
Duncan Maitland, senior software engineer at Domain, created a cURL wrapper for the Akamai staging network that resolves staging edge hostnames for requested URLs and invokes cURL with the --connect-to command so requests are routed accordingly.
➡️ Check it out: https://gist.github.com/duncm/7cb0a0ea3c8c60de233a86ce59e44831
Implement function renaming for Go v1.18
Inspired by Akamai's modified script for Panchan, Alexandre Cyr, malware researcher at ESET Research, added support for Go v1.18 to the upstream AlphaGolang project.
➡️ Check it out on GitHub: https://github.com/SentineLabs/AlphaGolang/pull/2
And that’s a wrap!
Do you have an article, a tool, or code to share? Contact us at devrel@akamai.com so we can share it with our developer community!