AkaRank Website Rankings

A listing of the top most-visited websites in the world based on Akamai DNS data. AkaRank can be used as a replacement for the deprecated Amazon Alexa Rank tool.

About AkaRank: An improved Alexa Rank substitute

The Alexa Traffic Rank (also known as Alexa Rank) of popular websites was widely considered the industry standard and was used across a large swath of internet users and industries to assist in research and help develop products and systems. In December 2021, the Alexa website list had been available for more than 25 years when Amazon announced the impending cessation of the service. In May 2022, the service was retired permanently.

Akamai is one of the largest providers of content delivery, compute, and security services in the industry and provides services via its massive global network. As a result, Akamai has unique visibility into internet activity and can use anonymized DNS and other data in its analysis of popular domains. Additional anonymized traffic from service provider partners adds hundreds of billions more queries to fuel our analytical tools. 

This large volume of data, along with other data from Akamai sources, equips us to make informed inferences about domain name popularity. Our global presence also allows analyses to be carried out at a regional level to incorporate nuanced differences among countries and languages — and major differences between residential and business users — into the process for allowlisting domains.

Freely downloadable and updated daily

AkaRank provides these critical global rank metrics to the infosec and security research community as a public service, as these data insights can enhance the performance of security monitoring tools. The lists provided by AkaRank are broken out by volume, freely downloadable, and updated daily.

You can read more about AkaRank and its functionality in these comprehensive blog posts:


Latest Rankings

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The data sources used for AkaRank are what makes it a more comprehensive ranking system for benchmarking. Unlike other products in the market, AkaRank combines two data sources for web traffic data: carrier traffic data and enterprise traffic data. This combination of data sources provides a more complete and accurate list.

Since AkaRank shows popularity among work-related and non–work-related domains at the same time, and neutralizes geo-based biases, we can use it as a filter/enrichment in many contexts, such as research/papers in the cybersecurity field, DNS blocklist products, etc. For example, VirusTotal, a popular tool in the cybersecurity industry that used Alexa popularity rank can use AkaRank now. The same is true for all DNS products in the market that used Alexa to filter entries. Akamai also used Alexa Rank before it was retired; we use AkaRank now.

AkaRank provides critical global rank metrics to the infosec and security research community. These data insights can also enhance audits and the performance of security monitoring tools. The lists provided by AkaRank are broken out by volume, freely downloadable, and updated daily.

AkaRank contains the one million most popular domains in the world, is very stable and reliable, and has good diversity and distribution with moderate geolocation biases.

While not the primary intent for sharing this website ranking data, these datasets can be used as a substitute for Alexa ranking data in SEO tools in a similar context (e.g., domain authority, rank checker, and competitive analysis).

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