Akamai API SecurityN

Discover APIs and test and fix vulnerabilities before they become targets.

What’s API Security to the power of N?

Find out when our own Tricia Howard gets the story behind the exponent: shift-left testing, risk detection, easy integrations, and fast attack remediation for all APIs.

What’s the impact of an API security incident?

More than 1,200 security pros reveal how API incidents impact their bottom line, reputation, and teams’ stress levels.

What’s the impact of an API security incident?

More than 1,200 security pros reveal how API incidents impact their bottom line, reputation, and teams’ stress levels.

How API Security works



Generate a comprehensive API inventory, including how many — and what type of — APIs you have.



Add security to your CI/CD pipeline, without sacrificing speed, to secure APIs before putting them into production.



Identify API vulnerabilities and attacks with automated, machine-learning-fueled detection.



Create advanced workflows to remediate API issues by integrating with your WAFs, SIEMs, and ITSM tools.

Customer Stories

Experience what API Security can do

Demo API Security and learn how to:

  • Discover every API
  • Analyze all API traffic across environments
  • Test APIs in development
  • Integrate with your stack for faster remediation

Schedule your demo in two steps:

  1. Submit the form
  2. Book a time with our team


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