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Welcome to Edge Diagnostics

Amit Mohanty

Written by

Amit Mohanty

March 30, 2022

Amit Mohanty

Written by

Amit Mohanty

After more than a year of dedication and hard work, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of our new Edge Diagnostics application on March 30, 2022. 

Diagnosing network and content issues quickly and effectively is critical to your success! Therefore the aim is to make the existing diagnostic tools faster, easier to navigate, more user-friendly, and with improved functionality and a developer focus in mind.

Edge Diagnostics allows you to diagnose your server, DNS, and network problems from ​Akamai​ servers around the world.

Once you extend your web content onto the ​Akamai​ edge network and apply various ​Akamai​ features to accelerate and manipulate content, you will be able to troubleshoot any problems your users may encounter. With Edge Diagnostics, you can diagnose common problems with delivering user content.


Key highlights of Edge Diagnostics


1. Enhanced UX

  • The new UX experience allows users to run diagnostics for a problem scenario and diagnose and troubleshoot issues on their own, without worrying about which tools to use
  • Visually analyze results and trends in the diagnosed issues history 

  • Submit bulk requests in Tools
  • Retest to see if a problem still exists
  • Check visualization of issues submitted per location
  • Navigate selecting the most frequently used tools or problem scenarios
  • Navigate to the last used tool from the “Your recent results” section
  • Refer to suggestions for intelligent insights

2. New features

  • Problem scenarios, with several tools included for troubleshooting use cases

  • Visibility of more log lines

  • Capability to better define a time window to fetch log lines

  • Network type selection for faster error data retrieval

  • Information about the configuration that generated an error code

  • Conclusive decoding of edge IPs and their locations in one tool

  • Packet type and port selection for faster retrieval of data

  • Enhanced data visibility

3. Contextual diagnostic information and user assistance improvements

  • In-context help documentation

  • Ability to provide feedback on each tool

4. Different visual feedback for different users 

  • Tips are included with each tool; for example, “Did you know?”

  • New users are offered a guided tour around the application, and returning users see recently used tools

  • New training video and updated product documentation

5. Ability to save customer interactions

  • With the Recent activities section in the application, users can track their recent actions and quickly navigate to the specific tool with context

6. Better availability and faster turnaround time

  • Users receive results in up to 10 seconds; if the request requires more time, the application notifies users about the request’s status and informs them about the asynchronous results

  • Timeouts are avoided; instead, the application shows an error as a viable response and actively manages timeout and concurrency

7. Better developer experience

  • Higher rate limits for APIs

  • Ability to refer to a sample pipeline code set up for APIs

  • Use of the command-line interface (CLI) to run diagnostics

8. Integration with security products (WAF, Site Shield) and Property Manager

  • Enables users to view the security policy or property in the context of diagnostic results

  • Enables users to land in WSA with context of the referenced error

  • Enables users to execute Curl & MTR using Site Shield maps

Access Edge Diagnostics

There are two ways to access Edge Diagnostics:

  • From the ​Akamai Control Center​ main menu, click the Services ☰ menu in the top corner of ​Control Center​ and then select Edge Diagnostics from the Support category, or

  • From the Support card on the ​Akamai​ home page, expand the card and click Edge Diagnostics



We hope that you enjoy the new Edge Diagnostics experience. Questions or feedback? Reach out to your account team — we’re always happy to help. 




Amit Mohanty

Written by

Amit Mohanty

March 30, 2022

Amit Mohanty

Written by

Amit Mohanty