My First Job—Being Inspired and Having an Impact

Written by Bridget Meuse, Product Marketing Specialist - Corporate Sustainability
I've recently hit my four-month mark here at Akamai and it's been a whirlwind, to say the least. Despite having had two previous summer internships at Akamai, stepping into my new role as Product Marketing Specialist - with a focus on Corporate Sustainability - has come with many new things to learn, people to talk to, and work to be done. I think the phrase "drinking from the firehose" is an applicable term- but I'm loving it! Not only am I able to be a part of the future of the internet, but I am also helping to address important global issues through my work with the Sustainability team.

Before I talk about Sustainability at Akamai, let me explain how I got here: At the beginning of this year, I was in the middle of the terrible job searching process. As a recent college grad, I was looking for advice and direction. Many articles I read encouraged me to accept any job I was offered. It didn't matter what I did, only as long as I had a job - which is a very valid point, given the existence of student loans and the need to feed/clothe/house myself. I tried and almost did accept "any job," but something just didn't feel right. I was missing a piece. I realized I wanted to work for a conscious company; one that realizes caring for their people and places isn't a nice to have, it's just good business. That's how I came back to my roots at Akamai.
Our Sustainability Mission is ultimately very simple - our goal is to measure and mitigate the impact we have on our larger environment and to care for the places where we work, operate, and live. But, as I have learned, its execution is not as cut and dry as one would think (that's where the firehose conversation comes into play). In my short time here at Akamai, I have been continuously inspired by the work we do. I am in awe of the technology and innovation coming from Akamai, but most specifically how this company works collaboratively to solve hard problems.
This past week I witnessed the unique power of Akamai's commitment to the environment when I joined Director of Sustainability, Mike Mattera, at the MA State House to sit in on the Clean Energy Caucus discussing the 100% Renewable Act. Akamai was featured for our work in renewable partnerships, and lauded for our leadership in this area. It was incredible to hear Mike talk about our work in renewable energy and commitment to global change, but I was even more proud that Akamai was being viewed as an authority on the subject. That we - as a company - want and will be a part of the climate change movement in a major way.
This is just one example of the innovation found in Sustainability and at Akamai overall. We are continually working hard to find new and innovative ways to be conscious of our footprint and are certainly making strides to reach our 2020 Sustainability goals.
It's easy to get lost in the work, meetings, and the commute(!), but taking a step back, I can't help but feel satisfied having made a decision to join this company and be a part of this inspirational work. I am proud of the progress Akamai is making as a steward of our environment and am confident we will make a difference.
Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog post! To learn more about Akamai Sustainability Initiatives, please visit our website.
Thanks for sharing on Sustainability at Akamai. As you already pointed out, it is good for business, and for a good cause.
Interesting information, listing some of Akamai's initiatives. It's quite inspiring to know how much a tech company can help the environment.