Explore all Akamai industry solutions

See why the world’s most innovative companies trust Akamai to protect and deliver their digital experiences.

Media and Entertainment

Deliver high-quality video experiences to any size audience, anywhere.

Defense and Intelligence Solutions

Secure and enhance the global warfighter’s digital mission systems.

Financial Services

Protect and deliver world-class digital experiences for financial services.


Deliver world-class gaming experiences on the world’s largest edge platform.

Healthcare and Life Sciences

Secure continuity of care, enhance compliance, and protect patient data.

iGaming and Sports Betting

Provide online casino and sportsbook players with an extraordinary and secure betting experience.

Service Providers

Expand service offerings, protect business-critical and customer-facing resources, and run networks cost-effectively.

Public Sector

Enable mission continuity, maximize protection, and defend against threats.


Deploy new digital experiences, manage performance, and secure content.

Retail, Travel & Hospitality

Deploy new digital experiences, manage performance, and secure content.

Ready to gain your competitive edge?