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At Riot Games, player experience comes first and foremost. They needed their global users to have a consistent, fast, and always available high-quality player experience. At the same time, they needed to be able to support frequent content updates to their games, as well as large yearly updates, without impacting user experience. Through the use of various solutions supported by the Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform, Riot Games is able to deliver on their goals of enabling high-quality player experiences consistently to their global users.
About Riot Games
Riot Games was founded in 2006 by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill with the intent to change the way video games are made and supported for players. In 2009, Riot released its debut title League of Legends to worldwide acclaim. The game has since gone on to become the most played PC game in the world and a key driver of the explosive growth of esports. Players are the foundation of our community and it's for them we continue to evolve and improve the League of Legends experience. Riot Games is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA and has 23 offices worldwide.