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Cyberthreat? We're ready to help.

Get Emergency Protection:

Complete the cyberthreat hotline form, and a security expert will call you with the next steps for mitigating current or potential attacks. (Before we can address your cyberthreat, we must speak with you.)

Get Help 24/7

Toll-Free U.S. +1-877-425-2624

Germany +49-8994006308

UK +44-1784225531

France +33-156697240

Spain  +34-917933243

Poland +48-123847740

Additional Contacts

Customers should contact their Account Team.

Thank you for your inquiry. An Akamai representative will contact you shortly.

Immediate Response

Industry-leading time-to-mitigate SLAs.

DDoS Protection

Mitigate DDoS attacks with more capacity than any other provider.

Stop Ransomware

Prevent the spread of ransomware with software-based segmentation.